Except if I attempted it, it'd probably look like a vicar on a flying bicycle.
I'm not a good drawer. Questions would be asked.
so i've been pondering that there must be quite a few active jws out there who are conscious/awakened/lurking, but it's so risky to ask questions to find out they are.
i'm sure this isn't anywhere in the watchtower, but i've read that early christians had the secret symbol of the fish to help identify friends, i.e.
drawing a fish in the sand would secretly identify someone as being a christian.
Except if I attempted it, it'd probably look like a vicar on a flying bicycle.
I'm not a good drawer. Questions would be asked.
has just come into my hands , the one of you who would like it?.
That's great Mouthy, thanks for the offer, I can indeed upload it to the wonderweb for all to share...
I'll happily PM you my address, of course I'll pay the postage anyway...
As soon as I get it I'll upload a torrent and post the link here. Good work madam!
has just come into my hands , the one of you who would like it?.
I would LOVE a copy of these, they sound fascinating....
yo homies.. .
ltr ftp (long time, first time etc.).
i don't really know where to start, but i guess you've all been here before so you'll know where i'm coming from.
Thanks for all the replies folks, im just kinda reeling not feeling right now, treading lightly but itching to jump up and down and talk if not shout about it! Especially to my better half. (Yes, ive had secrets from her before but only on a 'secret stash of chocolate in the garage ' scale, not a 'life-altering, change everything cos nothing will be the same ever again')
Walls will be punched. Sorry walls.
at every meeting and every assembly i went to, a sister would always ask me "how are you?
how is your family?
" she says it with a gloomy face every time!
Cheap shot dude.
I'd have a go at you for that but I've got to go to the dentist...
A lot, if not most DSLR's allow for 30 second exposures in manual mode, but if you wanna go longer you'll need to use 'bulb' mode, and buy a wired or remote release. They're cheap as chips on ebay, invariably from china, but they do the job perfectly.. I've done twenty minute exposures of star trails before, looks Niiiice!
having just found this gem with leolaia's superb post with 18 reasons the flood of noah's day is a myth.....
... i wondered what topics going back through the archives should be must reads for anyone coming to jwn?
what topics/posts should be made sticky (if that ever where to be a possibility)?.
This'll keep me up late tonight methinks...
after learning ttatt, i have completely abandoned christian fundamentalism.
thus, dropping many superstitions, prejudices, and biases associated with legalistic interpretations of the bible.
although i am agnostic, i still adhere to many christian principles, not because i think they are divine truths, but because i've benefited from the wisdom.. since i no longer believe in the inspiration of the bible, i repeatedly find myself falling into questions of conscience, ones which i've never faced before... .
Yep. What they ^^^^ said!
I think I'd be the same, cos I've always had a strong sense of myself, my own opinions, a terrible despicable 'independent attitude' , except I'd be able to vocalise these opinions without fear of reprisals..
I don't think I'm going thru an identity crisis, my crisis is not being sure of the universe anymore. I was before, I'm not now!
If I class it as a midlife crisis do I get a motorbike?
Excellent post emery, very thought provoking..
yo homies.. .
ltr ftp (long time, first time etc.).
i don't really know where to start, but i guess you've all been here before so you'll know where i'm coming from.
Thanks for that emery, you've given me a lot to think about, but hang on, ive suddenly got a load of homework to do !
I tell you, I didn't study as much when I was an elder!
Best start reading about 1919... Come on brain, keep up. What's that you say, you work better with a tiny snifter of whiskey? Oh go on then..
yo homies.. .
ltr ftp (long time, first time etc.).
i don't really know where to start, but i guess you've all been here before so you'll know where i'm coming from.
Just remember: by their fruits you shall know them.
But the witness half of my brain shouts about the love I've received, the genuine people in the cong, some REALLY good friends, (I know you're going to shout conditional but all friendships are SOMEWHAT conditional aren't they? If your best mate slags your wife off you're not going to be best mates very long, that's a condition.) Admittedly, shunning over different beliefs doesn't seem christian to me. But I've been all over the world and experienced such LOVE from the brothers, despite them not knowing me from Adam.. And does that scripture apply to individuals or did it imply an organisation, a church? I have so many questions, I'll save that one for a future time I think...Such is the argumentation going on in there.
And Mickey mouse - Interesting video that, I like the comparisons.. I wish I could have time to reply to everyone here, but I'd have to have a brain to use first, mine's been turned to mush, pushing and pulling, to-ing and fro-ing.
And Giordanno - big boy pants are scary. It's comfy in this old warm poofilled nappy. Sorry you couldn't sleep buddy, hope you got there in the end! Oh and I've already been trying to volunteer recently, they obviously don't need me as I've left four messages in four different departments to no avail.